Some of my inner work has been focussed on self-love recently, peeling back layers of conditioning and early years learning, it is a slow and painful process for many of us. I have been patient with myself, allowed time for acceptance and understanding, its really important to us all to have the space we need for self-discovery.
During this time, I realised many things: I dreamed things out, talked things out and wrote things down, I made some connections of my own behaviours which helped make sense of some of the ways I manage relationships and in particular my relationship with myself. I’ve recently starting listening to lots of podcast and started to journal, putting into practice some daily rituals and routines that help me to be balance my life, and make space for my own wellbeing.
I am a strong advocate for taking time out for ourselves, listening to our own bodies and hearts can help direct us towards the experience that will give us whatever it is we need in that moment. In our day to day lives we assume many ‘titles’ and take on a variety of responsibilities, usually looking after ourselves get pushed to the very end of the line, which can lead to exhaustion and illness in the long run. Retreats can encompass many elements of therapies and experiences, ensuring that by the end of the event you take away something that really needed. Our next retreat is scheduled in for the 15th – 19th July
I remind myself that self-love is not about being perfect, but about treating myself with kindness, compassion, and respect. It’s my journey towards self-acceptance and personal growth.